Meeting Held On Tuesday 17 November at 6:30pm
Toni Burnside (Principal), Aaron Reid (Chairperson), Trevor Wilson, Glenn Bongartz, Noella Gould, Kirk McKay, Helen Stowers, Colleen Lucas (minute secretary)
Apologies - Karen Elliott
Toni Burnside (Principal), Aaron Reid (Chairperson), Trevor Wilson, Glenn Bongartz, Noella Gould, Kirk McKay, Helen Stowers, Colleen Lucas (minute secretary)
Apologies - Karen Elliott
In Attendance
Tracey Mora and Tricia Carroll (Deputy Principals)
David Campbell (parent) to the open session of the meeting only.
That Tracey Mora and Tricia Carroll have in-committee speaking rights to discuss student behaviour. A Reid Carried
Tracey Mora and Tricia Carroll (Deputy Principals)
David Campbell (parent) to the open session of the meeting only.
That Tracey Mora and Tricia Carroll have in-committee speaking rights to discuss student behaviour. A Reid Carried
Public Excluded Session
That under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the public be excluded from the following proceedings for this meeting. The reason being to discuss a disciplinary or personnel issue, and to protect legal privilege and the privacy of natural persons. A Reid Carried
That the Board ratify all decisions made in the Public Excluded session of the meeting. A Reid Carried
That Tracey Mora and Tricia Carroll have speaking rights for the open session of the meeting. A Reid Carried
That under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the public be excluded from the following proceedings for this meeting. The reason being to discuss a disciplinary or personnel issue, and to protect legal privilege and the privacy of natural persons. A Reid Carried
That the Board ratify all decisions made in the Public Excluded session of the meeting. A Reid Carried
That Tracey Mora and Tricia Carroll have speaking rights for the open session of the meeting. A Reid Carried
Appointment to the Board of Trustees
That David Campbell be co-opted to the Board of Trustees for the remainder of the term of the current Board. A Reid Carroed
That David Campbell be co-opted to the Board of Trustees for the remainder of the term of the current Board. A Reid Carroed
As per the schedule
7.1 Karen Elliott - resignation from the Board accepted with regret.
7.2 Fiona McNicholl - resignation accepted with regret.
7.3 Both team members will be acknowledge and farewelled at our BOT/Staff end of year function.
That the inwards correspondence be received. A Reid Carried
7.1 Karen Elliott - resignation from the Board accepted with regret.
7.2 Fiona McNicholl - resignation accepted with regret.
7.3 Both team members will be acknowledge and farewelled at our BOT/Staff end of year function.
That the inwards correspondence be received. A Reid Carried
8.1 Principal's Report
8.1.2 New format using ERO’s school evaluation indicators. ERO due at the end of 2016.
8.1.3 Stewardship - IES
That Banks Avenue School show an expression of interest in becoming a community of learning - IES. T Burnside / A Reid Carried
8.1.4 Annual Goals 2016 - draft goals coming from looking back looking ahead report. Discussion.
8.1.5 Property - Room 7, heating - MOE to fix piping, funding from future build funds. Not to be over $7,500. To be capped. Good chance but not confirmed, these funds could be returned to us due to the delay in our new school build. Potentially could get some funds back for Dudley work, all unknown at this stage.
8.1.6 NZCER Student Survey - good discussion. this is the first time this report has been completed at BAS. PB4L will have a positive impact on getting better results. To take to staff. To develop action paths noted in report. Identify key concerns and build into Annual Goals for 2016.
8.1.7 NZCER Staff Survey - will be completed in 2016.
8.1.8 Stakeholder Engagement - Vikanda Bagrie, MOE - talking about what we need to be ready with and be proactive about - communications - identify stakeholders - done. Release to BOT for input.
8.1.9 Professional Capability - two teaching positions for 2016 have been filled. Contracts have been signed.
That the following appointments be ratified:
8.1.10 Team Miro 2016 - six classes - 3 teams of two classes.
8.1.11 Melbourne Experience - document nearly ready to be signed. Toni to start to book flights before xmas. Engage travel agent. Kirk has a contact.
8.1.12 Draft Overview 2016 - tabled for discussion. Links up with Schooldocs.
8.1.13 Attendance Report - discussion
8.1.14 e-asTTle Writing Report - discussion. June data and data collected at the end of last Term. Snapshot. Plenty to work on. Graphs shared to simplify data.
That the Principal's Report be adopted. T Burnside / K McKay Carried
8.1.2 New format using ERO’s school evaluation indicators. ERO due at the end of 2016.
8.1.3 Stewardship - IES
That Banks Avenue School show an expression of interest in becoming a community of learning - IES. T Burnside / A Reid Carried
8.1.4 Annual Goals 2016 - draft goals coming from looking back looking ahead report. Discussion.
8.1.5 Property - Room 7, heating - MOE to fix piping, funding from future build funds. Not to be over $7,500. To be capped. Good chance but not confirmed, these funds could be returned to us due to the delay in our new school build. Potentially could get some funds back for Dudley work, all unknown at this stage.
8.1.6 NZCER Student Survey - good discussion. this is the first time this report has been completed at BAS. PB4L will have a positive impact on getting better results. To take to staff. To develop action paths noted in report. Identify key concerns and build into Annual Goals for 2016.
8.1.7 NZCER Staff Survey - will be completed in 2016.
8.1.8 Stakeholder Engagement - Vikanda Bagrie, MOE - talking about what we need to be ready with and be proactive about - communications - identify stakeholders - done. Release to BOT for input.
8.1.9 Professional Capability - two teaching positions for 2016 have been filled. Contracts have been signed.
That the following appointments be ratified:
- Scott Bradley in a permanent teaching position in the senior school and
- Karen Morganty in fixed term teaching position for the 2016 school year.
8.1.10 Team Miro 2016 - six classes - 3 teams of two classes.
8.1.11 Melbourne Experience - document nearly ready to be signed. Toni to start to book flights before xmas. Engage travel agent. Kirk has a contact.
8.1.12 Draft Overview 2016 - tabled for discussion. Links up with Schooldocs.
8.1.13 Attendance Report - discussion
8.1.14 e-asTTle Writing Report - discussion. June data and data collected at the end of last Term. Snapshot. Plenty to work on. Graphs shared to simplify data.
That the Principal's Report be adopted. T Burnside / K McKay Carried
9.1 Red Cross - funds returned to Red Cross. File now closed.
9.2 Spending has been tight.
9.3 A lot of work being done to get all funds in the bank before the close of the school year.
That the Finance Report be adopted. A Reid Carried
9.4 Draft Budget
9.4.1 Tightened up on the spending with a a focus on students - TA’s in class
9.4.2 Questions to Colleen or Toni via email.
9.4.3 To be tabled at next finance committee with recommendation back to December BOT meeting.
9.2 Spending has been tight.
9.3 A lot of work being done to get all funds in the bank before the close of the school year.
That the Finance Report be adopted. A Reid Carried
9.4 Draft Budget
9.4.1 Tightened up on the spending with a a focus on students - TA’s in class
9.4.2 Questions to Colleen or Toni via email.
9.4.3 To be tabled at next finance committee with recommendation back to December BOT meeting.
Self Review
10.1 ICT Audit - random checks on devices using child language to test blockers. comes back to values. Hapara dashboard allows a teacher to see what is on what site. MOE N4L - need to have trust in this. Want reporting to BOT out of N4L.
10.2 Overview - tabled and updated for this period
10.2 Overview - tabled and updated for this period
New School
11.1 refer to in-committee
General Business
12.1 Succession planning - discussion
12.2 Staff well-being - discussion
That a coffee voucher is given to all staff to use at our Learning Celebration Evening. K McKay / G Bongartz Carried
12.3 Fee Review - refer to December meeting.
12.4 PB4L- meeting tomorrow 3.15 pm staffroom - need 80% support for programme. Need BOT representation. The BOT is committed to supporting this programme.
Board Proxy votes = 6 votes
12.5 BOT Survey - discussion
12.6 T-Shirts - discussion. Management to look into.
12.7 PTA - development of a trust to support children. Needs to be instigated by the BOT with the link to the PTA. Needs more discussion.
12.8 PTA End of Year Dinner - good to see some Board members there. To put wine on the tables.
12.2 Staff well-being - discussion
That a coffee voucher is given to all staff to use at our Learning Celebration Evening. K McKay / G Bongartz Carried
12.3 Fee Review - refer to December meeting.
12.4 PB4L- meeting tomorrow 3.15 pm staffroom - need 80% support for programme. Need BOT representation. The BOT is committed to supporting this programme.
Board Proxy votes = 6 votes
12.5 BOT Survey - discussion
12.6 T-Shirts - discussion. Management to look into.
12.7 PTA - development of a trust to support children. Needs to be instigated by the BOT with the link to the PTA. Needs more discussion.
12.8 PTA End of Year Dinner - good to see some Board members there. To put wine on the tables.
Previous Minutes
That the minutes of the meeting held on 20 October 2015, be taken as read and are accepted. A Reid Carried
That the minutes of the meeting held on 20 October 2015, be taken as read and are accepted. A Reid Carried
Matters Arising
Board Only Business
Next Meeting
16.1 Tuesday 15 December
16.2 Tuesday 16 February 2016
16.2 Tuesday 16 February 2016
The meeting closed at 9:00 pm