Information A-Z
Scroll down or click on the links at the right to find all the information you need to know as a parent at Pareawa Banks Avenue.
If your child is going to be absent from school it is really important that you make contact with us and let us know the reason for the absence. There are a number of options available for you to do this. You can:
The school will make contact with home if a child is unaccounted for. Please make sure we have your current home, work and cell phone numbers. If your child is going to be absent for other than an educational approved activity (e.g. family holiday), a request must be made in writing or via email ( to the principal, outlining the dates your child/(ren) will be absent and the reason for the absence. Before and After School Care
Dallington Oscar run a before and after school programme adjacent to Pareawa Banks Avenue School along at the Avon Hub. Children gather and are picked up each day from the stage in front of the office (if fine) or in the library (if wet). Please contact Lisa Manning (Programme Co-ordinator) 386 3555 (after 2pm) or 021 118 3214. For more information or to make a booking, click here. GenZ After School Programme also run a programme every day from 3:00 - 6:00pm. Pick up is from Pareawa Banks Avenue School in a mini van where children are transported to the venue. For more information contact text 0204100744 or 0211669813, Office 03 373 8277 or email [email protected] Kids Club After School and Holiday Programme – for information please contact Trudi 0212378297 or [email protected] Behaviour ManagementWe are a PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning) School. We believe that the children and staff have the right to expect high standards of behaviour in order to create a positive and caring environment which encourages learning, fair play and citizenship.
The school has developed a positive structured approach to discipline, both in the classroom and in the playground. The children will know the limits set and expected, and the consequences of disregarding rules. However, both inside and outside of the classroom, the emphasis will be on the positive, with children recognised appropriately and systematically for good behaviour. Our HEART values are the anchor that guides us with our decision making so we are true to our motto of "living and learning with HEART". Bicycles
The police recommend that no child under the age of ten should cycle to school unless accompanied by an adult.
Book Club
Twice a term, children have the opportunity to purchase paper-back books at a reasonable price. Catalogue forms from Scholastic are sent home. No pressure is placed on any child to purchase from these catalogues. In Term 4 we also have a Duffy Christmas Special offer each year. Change of Contact Details
It is essential that the school is notified immediately of any change of address, parent’s place of work and/or telephone numbers. This applies also to emergency contact numbers. Please phone (03 385 4163), email or fill in the contact form below to update your details. |
Class Sizes
The new entrant class sizes are held at approximately 18. At the present time, the other classes range from 23-30.
The new entrant class sizes are held at approximately 18. At the present time, the other classes range from 23-30.
Duffy Books
We are a Duffy School. This opens up a world of opportunities for our students. Duffy Books play a key role in developing a love of books and from time to time your child will come home with a free book. Click here to find out more about Duffy Books.
HEART Values
Home Learning
Home learning will vary with the age, class and needs of the child. The tasks set, while being purposeful, should not be onerous or take too long to complete. Please be positive and supportive with any home learning efforts and feel free to discuss any problem with the class teacher (see Homework Policy).
Home learning will vary with the age, class and needs of the child. The tasks set, while being purposeful, should not be onerous or take too long to complete. Please be positive and supportive with any home learning efforts and feel free to discuss any problem with the class teacher (see Homework Policy).
Leaving the School Grounds at Lunch Time
Children are not permitted to leave the school grounds at lunch time without written parental permission. The parent/caregiver who collects the child/ren must sign them out on the Vistab in the school office before leaving the school grounds. This is very important so we can account for all of our children at all times. If children return to school they need to be signed back in on the Vistab. This helps keep everyone safe.
Children are not permitted to leave the school grounds at lunch time without written parental permission. The parent/caregiver who collects the child/ren must sign them out on the Vistab in the school office before leaving the school grounds. This is very important so we can account for all of our children at all times. If children return to school they need to be signed back in on the Vistab. This helps keep everyone safe.
All children visit the school Library as part of their normal classroom programme. The library is open at lunchtime for children to visit independently or with friends. Children are encouraged to take books home on a regular basis.
All children visit the school Library as part of their normal classroom programme. The library is open at lunchtime for children to visit independently or with friends. Children are encouraged to take books home on a regular basis.
Lost Property
Lost property is located in our Lost Property storage bin in the hall. Parents are welcome to check the bin for any lost items of school clothing. We strongly urge the name labelling of all clothing and belongings so your child's belongings can be returned. It's very easy to leave sweatshirts... at meetings or in the playground - labelling clothing means we can easily get it back to your child. Please take the time to name all items of personal clothing and school equipment - it's so important.
Lost property is located in our Lost Property storage bin in the hall. Parents are welcome to check the bin for any lost items of school clothing. We strongly urge the name labelling of all clothing and belongings so your child's belongings can be returned. It's very easy to leave sweatshirts... at meetings or in the playground - labelling clothing means we can easily get it back to your child. Please take the time to name all items of personal clothing and school equipment - it's so important.
If your child is required to take medication during the school day please take it to the office. You will need to complete a “Request to Administer Medication” consent form. We will discuss with you how and when the medication is to be dispensed. While all care will be taken in administering medication and first aid, the final responsibility is with the parents.
If your child is required to take medication during the school day please take it to the office. You will need to complete a “Request to Administer Medication” consent form. We will discuss with you how and when the medication is to be dispensed. While all care will be taken in administering medication and first aid, the final responsibility is with the parents.
New Entrant Enrolments
Children may commence school on or after their fifth birthday and up until they turn six. Click here to find out more information.
Children may commence school on or after their fifth birthday and up until they turn six. Click here to find out more information.
Regular newsletters are published so that parents are kept informed of any relevant events or matters. The school newsletter is distributed via email each Wednesday and is also available on our website by clicking here.
Please sign up to Skool Loop as this will allow you to get regular text updates, which is especially important in case of any emergency. You can do this here.
We send out all our messages via Facebook. Connect here
Regular newsletters are published so that parents are kept informed of any relevant events or matters. The school newsletter is distributed via email each Wednesday and is also available on our website by clicking here.
Please sign up to Skool Loop as this will allow you to get regular text updates, which is especially important in case of any emergency. You can do this here.
We send out all our messages via Facebook. Connect here
Parents Responsibility to the School When They Separate
When parents separate it is usual for one of them to be granted custody of the child. An increasingly common custody order is one for joint or shared custody. In this case both parents, although separated, share the custodial responsibility, largely making their own arrangements about the day to day care of the child. This order may be used where the parents live near each other and are still on reasonably good terms.
A parent who has custody does not, for that reason, have sole control over the child's education or have the sole right to regulate, supervise and direct the life of the child. That is a function of guardianship. Both parents, however, retain guardianship and the rights which belong to a guardian, regardless of the custody arrangements.
When parents have separated and custody arrangements that have not been formalised, both parents have custodial and guardianship rights. If disputes over custody arise, it is not the responsibility of the school to arbitrate.
Unless the Court rules otherwise, both parents, as guardians are entitled to:
Parents are requested, therefore, to give the school the correct information regarding:
When parents separate it is usual for one of them to be granted custody of the child. An increasingly common custody order is one for joint or shared custody. In this case both parents, although separated, share the custodial responsibility, largely making their own arrangements about the day to day care of the child. This order may be used where the parents live near each other and are still on reasonably good terms.
A parent who has custody does not, for that reason, have sole control over the child's education or have the sole right to regulate, supervise and direct the life of the child. That is a function of guardianship. Both parents, however, retain guardianship and the rights which belong to a guardian, regardless of the custody arrangements.
When parents have separated and custody arrangements that have not been formalised, both parents have custodial and guardianship rights. If disputes over custody arise, it is not the responsibility of the school to arbitrate.
Unless the Court rules otherwise, both parents, as guardians are entitled to:
- A copy of their child's reports.
- Discuss the educational progress of their child with the Principal and the teacher in the same way as any other parent.
- Contribute to major educational decisions affecting the child eg: decide which school the child attends, special class admission, religious instruction.
- Participate in P.T.A. and other parent functions at the school.
- See official records about the child as are normally shown to parents (eg: record cards).
Parents are requested, therefore, to give the school the correct information regarding:
- Custody
- Access arrangements
- Name and address of both parents
- Name of the lawyer appointed for the children (if applicable)
- Any other relevant information, e.g., non molestation order or non-violence order in force.
Parking on Averill Street
Parking for parents is offsite and parents are asked to observe EXTREME CAUTION around the school flow drive through which has a 5 kph speed limit. Remember that there are two pedestrian entrances to the school - one on Averill Street, and one on North Parade. We have a drive through drop off area outside the hall where parents can pull in and drop children off/pick children up. This is a Flow Drive Through, and as such we ask you to drop and drive - no drop and park, i.e., leaving your vehicle.
Parking for parents is offsite and parents are asked to observe EXTREME CAUTION around the school flow drive through which has a 5 kph speed limit. Remember that there are two pedestrian entrances to the school - one on Averill Street, and one on North Parade. We have a drive through drop off area outside the hall where parents can pull in and drop children off/pick children up. This is a Flow Drive Through, and as such we ask you to drop and drive - no drop and park, i.e., leaving your vehicle.
Picking Up Children From School
If parents wish other adults to take their children from school, please inform us in writing or email. It is essential also for us to have a copy of any documents in cases of legal custody being granted, plus non molestation and non violence orders issued by the Court.
If parents wish other adults to take their children from school, please inform us in writing or email. It is essential also for us to have a copy of any documents in cases of legal custody being granted, plus non molestation and non violence orders issued by the Court.
Reporting to Parents
Learning Conversations are held in February and August. This is an opportunity for all parents/caregivers to meet with the teachers and discuss your child's learning. A discussion document may be sent home before the February and August conferences.
At Pareawa Banks Avenue School we report on both the progress and achievement of our students twice at year, at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. To read more about our assessment and reporting practices, please click here.
Learning Conversations are held in February and August. This is an opportunity for all parents/caregivers to meet with the teachers and discuss your child's learning. A discussion document may be sent home before the February and August conferences.
At Pareawa Banks Avenue School we report on both the progress and achievement of our students twice at year, at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. To read more about our assessment and reporting practices, please click here.
Religious Education
A programme following the approved syllabus is conducted in our Library at 8.30am for 30 minutes each Wednesday. Children need written consent from caregivers/parents to attend. See the office if you would like your child to attend these sessions with Bob Jaeger.
A programme following the approved syllabus is conducted in our Library at 8.30am for 30 minutes each Wednesday. Children need written consent from caregivers/parents to attend. See the office if you would like your child to attend these sessions with Bob Jaeger.
School Chaplain
Our School Chaplain is Bob Jaeger. For many years our school has offered Bible in School and Bob has been presenting these sessions for us for more than 20 years. Bible in School is a fun programme that encourages children to make positive life choices, grow in character and relate well to others. Children reinforce values that connect to the curriculum. They include bible stories that help reinforce messages like; treat others how you want to be treated, show respect, do your best, be a good friend, help others and ask for help, make good choices and help others make good choices.
We believe these sessions are very worthwhile and a weekly session before school on a Wednesday (8:30-9: 00am) is offered in our school library. These weekly sessions are open to all age groups across the school - NE - Year 6.
If you are keen for your child/ren to attend these sessions, please contact the school office who will give you a consent form.
Our School Chaplain is Bob Jaeger. For many years our school has offered Bible in School and Bob has been presenting these sessions for us for more than 20 years. Bible in School is a fun programme that encourages children to make positive life choices, grow in character and relate well to others. Children reinforce values that connect to the curriculum. They include bible stories that help reinforce messages like; treat others how you want to be treated, show respect, do your best, be a good friend, help others and ask for help, make good choices and help others make good choices.
We believe these sessions are very worthwhile and a weekly session before school on a Wednesday (8:30-9: 00am) is offered in our school library. These weekly sessions are open to all age groups across the school - NE - Year 6.
If you are keen for your child/ren to attend these sessions, please contact the school office who will give you a consent form.
School Trips
As a school we appreciate the value of educational trips and visits, and all classes are involved in these to some degree. While we hope that all children can participate, parents have a right to withhold permission for involvement in any activity which takes place outside the school property.
As a school we appreciate the value of educational trips and visits, and all classes are involved in these to some degree. While we hope that all children can participate, parents have a right to withhold permission for involvement in any activity which takes place outside the school property.
Specialist Services
Some specialist services are available through the school:
Hearing and Vision Tests
These are conducted by Healthlink South at frequent intervals throughout the year. New Entrants are seen automatically and children who fail tests are re-tested and the appropriate action taken.
Dental Service
You will be notified through the school newsletter when the dental nurses are working at this school. Please note when the school dental team is away from this school you may still ring the clinic number and leave a message and they will ring you back. the number is: 0800 846 983
Other specialist services available through the school include:
Usually, the school initiates contact with the above (except Dental Services). However you are welcome to make enquiries to the Deputy Principals if you consider referrals to any of the above are required for your child. Read more about learning support here.
Parents may also contact the following people directly:
Reading Recovery and Special Needs Programmes are also undertaken at the school.
Some specialist services are available through the school:
Hearing and Vision Tests
These are conducted by Healthlink South at frequent intervals throughout the year. New Entrants are seen automatically and children who fail tests are re-tested and the appropriate action taken.
Dental Service
You will be notified through the school newsletter when the dental nurses are working at this school. Please note when the school dental team is away from this school you may still ring the clinic number and leave a message and they will ring you back. the number is: 0800 846 983
Other specialist services available through the school include:
- Special Education Service including Psychologist
- Truancy Officer
- Speech Language Therapist
- RTD: Resource Teachers of the Deaf
- RTLB: Resource Teachers of Learning & Behaviour
- RTLit: Resource Teachers of Literature
- RTV: Resource Teachers of Vision
- Public Health Nurse: Caroline Ellis is the CDHB PHN who supports Pareawa Banks Avenue School
- School Counsellors: Our School Counsellors are sponsored by the City Church - we have Kathy Davison on Monday and Wednesday and Hugh Eddy on Thursday
- Mana Ake: We have group programmes and 1:1 support offered through Mana Ake - our Learning Support Coordinator organises our schools involvement with Mana Ake - please email David Erece if you have a query: [email protected]
Usually, the school initiates contact with the above (except Dental Services). However you are welcome to make enquiries to the Deputy Principals if you consider referrals to any of the above are required for your child. Read more about learning support here.
Parents may also contact the following people directly:
- Public Health Nurse: Caroline Ellis 3836877
- Vision and Hearing Tester 383 9498
- Community Dental Service 0800 846 983
Reading Recovery and Special Needs Programmes are also undertaken at the school.
Every child will attend swimming lessons. The children receive ten, thirty minute lessons with a qualified instructor, in a group of ten or less.
Every child will attend swimming lessons. The children receive ten, thirty minute lessons with a qualified instructor, in a group of ten or less.
- Junior students in Muringa module swim at Te Pou Toetoe Linwood Pool
- Senior students in Pāhake module swim at Taiora QEII Recreation & Sports Centre
Toys At School
Children are not to bring toys to school unless for a special purpose. The teacher is not responsible for the loss of children's property in normal circumstances.
Children are not to bring toys to school unless for a special purpose. The teacher is not responsible for the loss of children's property in normal circumstances.
Use of School Grounds Out Of School Hours
Children are welcome to use the school grounds and facilities out of school hours. The gate between the Hall and the Library is unlocked after hours and in the weekend for whānau access.
As most of our grounds are not visible from the street, it is recommended that children come in groups or have an adult with them. It is expected that behaviour will be sensible and the environment will be looked after. Bicycles are not to be ridden in the grounds at any time.
Children are welcome to use the school grounds and facilities out of school hours. The gate between the Hall and the Library is unlocked after hours and in the weekend for whānau access.
As most of our grounds are not visible from the street, it is recommended that children come in groups or have an adult with them. It is expected that behaviour will be sensible and the environment will be looked after. Bicycles are not to be ridden in the grounds at any time.