Ōtakāro Kahui Ako
A Kāhui Ako, Community of Learning, is a group of education and training providers working together to help learners achieve their full potential. In the Ōtakāro Kāhui Ako, we have ten local schools; Pareawa Banks Avenue, Waitakiri Primary, Shirley Primary, Parkview Primary, Queenspark School, Te Oraka Shirley Intermediate, Chisnallwood Intermediate, Shirley Boys High, South New Brighton School and Avonside Girls High. As well as these nine schools we have a number of preschools and kindergartens in our Kāhui Ako.
We set shared goals based on the particular needs of our tamariki. Staff across the Kāhui ako work with students, their parents, whānau, iwi and communities to achieve these goals. By collaborating and sharing expertise, students' learning pathways are supported and their transition through the education system improved. This approach also provides more opportunities for parents, families and whānau and communities to be involved with their children and young people's learning. Our Senior Leadership Team and our Learning Support Coordinator also participate in Professional Learning Groups with other Principals, Deputy Principals and Learning Support Coordinators from across the Kahui as part of an annual Professional Growth Cycle. This is the Ōtakāro Kahui Ako vision (see image) for the next two years. As a community of learning we will be focusing on Hauora, literacy and cultural responsiveness in order to lift student achievement and improve outcomes for children. |