Bronze Award
To receive the Bronze Award:
- V1 - Give to children in need: raise money and donate to a charity agreed with your school adult.
- V2 - Give to your family: prepare one meal or do a job for your family (vacuum the house, wash the car etc.).
- V3 - Give to families in need: find a way to help those in need. Give some of your pocket money to a worthy cause for one month.
- V4 - Give of your time: visit an elderly person at least four times over a term.
- V5 - Give of your time: Walk a dog twice a week for the term
- V6 - Design your own challenge.
Academic Excellence
- A1 - Improve your maths ability: achieve six 100% scores in your basic facts challenges.
- A2 - Be a reporter: report on an event in writing and present it to your class.
- A3 - Improve your science and technology skills: design and build a craft that flies.
- A4 - Research a famous New Zealander who has helped us to feel proud to be a Kiwi (use the six W’s and one H)
- A5 - Improve your study skills: Research the Pukeko using the 6 Hats. Present findings to your class
- A6 - Improve your confidence and skills: prepare and present a speech to your class on a topic of your choice
- A7 - Create a mask of a New Zealand bird.
- A8 - Create a slideshow that highlights the value and importance of our “HEART” values in your class.
- A9 - Create a weaving using harakeke
- A10 - Learn a new craft or musical instrument
- A11 - Examine a type of art and create an artwork
- A12 - Design your own challenge
Physical Activity In The Outdoors
- P1 - Improve your fitness: over a four week period complete a run or walk or at least 10 kilometres or cycle 40 kilometres.
- P2 - Improve your swim skills: swim a total of 200 metres (each session to be non-stop).
- P3 - Explore the outdoors: climb a large hill or small mountain with your family.
- P4 - Undertake a multi-sport event: participate in a triathlon as a team member.
- P5 - Walk around Travis Wetland walkway with a family member
- P6 - Design your own challenge