Board Member - Noella Gould
My name is Noella Gould. I currently have the privilege of being a part of the Board of Trustees of Banks Avenue School. I say privilege because I think it really is. It’s been a challenging time for all of us over the last few years and many of us still are coping with those challenges. One of the exciting things to come out of all the chaos and destruction is the opportunity to create something new for our children, an opportunity to take all the great things about Banks Avenue now and add to them. I can’t wait to see our new school rise up out of the ground and take shape and I can’t wait to see the amazing things our teachers and children can achieve in this new environment.
My partner and I are originally from South Canterbury. I grew up on a farm near Waimate before moving to Timaru and meeting Adam. We came to Christchurch after a stint in Brisbane, Australia. Australia does |
have great tropical fruit, I love fresh mangos, but it wasn’t enough to outweigh cockroaches, humidity or 40C Christmas days! New Zealand is most definitely our home. We have two children, a 15 year old daughter who’s in Year 11 at Hagley and a 6 year old son here at Banks Avenue. We share our home with our ball obsessed Jack Russell dog and a fish that’s vying for the title of “World’s Oldest Mountain Minnow”.
I’ve spent the majority of my working life in laboratories. No white coats for me though. Steel capped boots and a strong stomach were the required equipment. I’ve also been involved with a few volunteer groups including a group that helps adults with literacy issues. That, along with seeing some of my own family struggle with learning difficulties and education, has made me interested in the children and their families that sometimes struggle with school.
I can normally be found near Room 1, so come down and say hi, I’d love to meet you.
Kia pai tō rā
I’ve spent the majority of my working life in laboratories. No white coats for me though. Steel capped boots and a strong stomach were the required equipment. I’ve also been involved with a few volunteer groups including a group that helps adults with literacy issues. That, along with seeing some of my own family struggle with learning difficulties and education, has made me interested in the children and their families that sometimes struggle with school.
I can normally be found near Room 1, so come down and say hi, I’d love to meet you.
Kia pai tō rā