Meeting Held On Tuesday 24 May at 6:15pm
Toni Burnside (Principal) Aaron Reid, Kirk McKay, Trevor Wilson, Glenn Bongartz, Noella Gould, Helen Stowers, David Campbell,
Colleen Lucas (Minute secretary)
There were no apologies.
Toni Burnside (Principal) Aaron Reid, Kirk McKay, Trevor Wilson, Glenn Bongartz, Noella Gould, Helen Stowers, David Campbell,
Colleen Lucas (Minute secretary)
There were no apologies.
Public Excluded Session
That under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the public be excluded from the following proceedings for this meeting. The reason being to discuss a disciplinary or personnel issue, and to protect legal privilege and the privacy of natural persons. A Reid Carried
That the Board ratify all decisions made in the Public Excluded session of the meeting. A Reid Carried
That under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the public be excluded from the following proceedings for this meeting. The reason being to discuss a disciplinary or personnel issue, and to protect legal privilege and the privacy of natural persons. A Reid Carried
That the Board ratify all decisions made in the Public Excluded session of the meeting. A Reid Carried
Board Elections
4.1. Six nominations received by the Returning Officer. No election required.
4.2. Welcome to three new elected members: David Campbell, Paul O'Donovan and Michael Stewart.
4.3. The first meeting of the new Board will be Tuesday 21 June 2016.
4.2. Welcome to three new elected members: David Campbell, Paul O'Donovan and Michael Stewart.
4.3. The first meeting of the new Board will be Tuesday 21 June 2016.
As per the schedule
That the inwards correspondence be received. A Reid Carried
That the inwards correspondence be received. A Reid Carried
Prinicpal's Report
7.1.1. New Logo in draft form at the top of Toni's report. Alot of work on logo has been carried out behind the scenes. We now need to consider uniform with change to the logo.
7.1.2. Board Elections - the process has gone smoothly with a good result to for the next term of the Board.
7.1.3. New School Update - document outlining the options and our preferred option released last week to our school community, local schools, ECEs, clubs etc. . We could not affort to delay this release any longer. This document was also shared with Nick Harrall and Vikanda Bagrie from MOE. Quite a bit of media interest has followed ie Local paper and CTV.. ChCh girls High principal has been in touch. they too are having problems with their repair/build - may get together to pool thoughts and plan to find way forward.. While we are supposed to have the choice the actual result may be that the MOE tell us where we are to go. Vikanda & Toni talking how we can do fixs up. 2017 big review of funds. We could potentially get some of our repair costs back.
7.1.4. Survey on new school closes 9 June. Mail drop out into community, local school, clubs, ECEs etc.
7.1.5. EEO completed each year by staff. No concerns or outcomes as a result of staff survey.
7.1.6. Strategic Planning Day with Al Fone - TOD coming up next Friday. Bank of responses given to staff with opportunity for input and sorting into groups. Look at Vision statement. Annual Plan has been tweaked, under Strategic Direction - links.
7.1.7. DISC Profiling - refer to report.
7.1.8. Teaching Observations - ERO not happy with appraisal process on last review. Alot of work done. Teaching observations are a big part of this proces. Learning intentions / explicit feedback. Improving teacher practice. Senior Leaders involved in the process.
7.1.9. Property - refer to report.
7.1.10. Otakaro Cluster - focus for 2016 expectations for developing learner profile accross the cluster for children.
7.1.11. Social Worker - need BOT support to employ a social worker at Banks Avenue School. Cost $6,000.00 for six months.
That the BOT fund a social worker for Banks Avenue School and that this be funded from reserves. A Reid / G Bongartz Carried
Management to recruit and get a contract signed. Review in four months and extend contract if viable.
That BAS apply to First Sovreign Trust NZ for funding to support an after school boxing programme for one term. There will be not cost to the school.
K McKay / G Bongartz Carried
This programme is not just about the boxing it is about managing emotions, self control and discipline. Children will be selected for this programme.
7.1.12. School Zones - no changes until our new school site is known.
7.1.13. STAR Test Results - shows Year 3s tracking where they need to be. Not to be compared with e-AsTTle data which is for Year 4-6. More data with e-AsTTle.
7.1.14. Curriculum Review - refer to report.
7.1.15. MLE Update - link in report. Two MLE staff meetings for teachers beofre the end of the term. Just seven weeks to go. Margo McKegan to run one of the teacher MLE meetings. Toni to resend the link to Board members. No parent feedback from community release on MLE experience.
7.1.16. NZCER Staff Survey Results - results to be shared on TOD. This term looking at Hauroa.
7.1.17. PTA - professional development available. Glenn to bring p again at next PTA meeting.
7.1.18. Attendance Report - Term 1 data - 93.77% attendancem 2.44% unexplained absences. Good data. Good systems in place for tracking / action student absence.
7.1.19. Behaviour Report - discussion.
That the Principal's Report be adopted. T Burnside / K McKay Carried
7.1.2. Board Elections - the process has gone smoothly with a good result to for the next term of the Board.
7.1.3. New School Update - document outlining the options and our preferred option released last week to our school community, local schools, ECEs, clubs etc. . We could not affort to delay this release any longer. This document was also shared with Nick Harrall and Vikanda Bagrie from MOE. Quite a bit of media interest has followed ie Local paper and CTV.. ChCh girls High principal has been in touch. they too are having problems with their repair/build - may get together to pool thoughts and plan to find way forward.. While we are supposed to have the choice the actual result may be that the MOE tell us where we are to go. Vikanda & Toni talking how we can do fixs up. 2017 big review of funds. We could potentially get some of our repair costs back.
7.1.4. Survey on new school closes 9 June. Mail drop out into community, local school, clubs, ECEs etc.
7.1.5. EEO completed each year by staff. No concerns or outcomes as a result of staff survey.
7.1.6. Strategic Planning Day with Al Fone - TOD coming up next Friday. Bank of responses given to staff with opportunity for input and sorting into groups. Look at Vision statement. Annual Plan has been tweaked, under Strategic Direction - links.
7.1.7. DISC Profiling - refer to report.
7.1.8. Teaching Observations - ERO not happy with appraisal process on last review. Alot of work done. Teaching observations are a big part of this proces. Learning intentions / explicit feedback. Improving teacher practice. Senior Leaders involved in the process.
7.1.9. Property - refer to report.
7.1.10. Otakaro Cluster - focus for 2016 expectations for developing learner profile accross the cluster for children.
7.1.11. Social Worker - need BOT support to employ a social worker at Banks Avenue School. Cost $6,000.00 for six months.
That the BOT fund a social worker for Banks Avenue School and that this be funded from reserves. A Reid / G Bongartz Carried
Management to recruit and get a contract signed. Review in four months and extend contract if viable.
That BAS apply to First Sovreign Trust NZ for funding to support an after school boxing programme for one term. There will be not cost to the school.
K McKay / G Bongartz Carried
This programme is not just about the boxing it is about managing emotions, self control and discipline. Children will be selected for this programme.
7.1.12. School Zones - no changes until our new school site is known.
7.1.13. STAR Test Results - shows Year 3s tracking where they need to be. Not to be compared with e-AsTTle data which is for Year 4-6. More data with e-AsTTle.
7.1.14. Curriculum Review - refer to report.
7.1.15. MLE Update - link in report. Two MLE staff meetings for teachers beofre the end of the term. Just seven weeks to go. Margo McKegan to run one of the teacher MLE meetings. Toni to resend the link to Board members. No parent feedback from community release on MLE experience.
7.1.16. NZCER Staff Survey Results - results to be shared on TOD. This term looking at Hauroa.
7.1.17. PTA - professional development available. Glenn to bring p again at next PTA meeting.
7.1.18. Attendance Report - Term 1 data - 93.77% attendancem 2.44% unexplained absences. Good data. Good systems in place for tracking / action student absence.
7.1.19. Behaviour Report - discussion.
That the Principal's Report be adopted. T Burnside / K McKay Carried
7.2.1. New report format from Reckon tabled for discussion..
That the Finance Report be adopted.. G Bongartz / K McKay Carried
That the Finance Report be adopted.. G Bongartz / K McKay Carried
Self Review
Board Overview 2016
8.1.1 Updated for the current period
Health and Safety
9.1.1. New legislation is making doing simple tasks for Steve difficult. Limits on heights. Changing a light bulb has just got a whole lot harder. To build to purchase of scaffolding into next year's budget.
9.1.2. Check insurance policy for liability. Check if PTA covered at disco. Include 'any volunteer' for the school.
9.1.2. Check insurance policy for liability. Check if PTA covered at disco. Include 'any volunteer' for the school.
General Business
Previous Minutes
That the minutes of the meeting held on 12 April 2016, be taken as read and are accepted. A Reid Carried
That the minutes of the meeting held on 12 April 2016, be taken as read and are accepted. A Reid Carried
Matters Arising
12.1.1. Nil
Board Only Business
Next Meeting
Tuesday 21 June
Wednesday 27 July - note the change of day
Wednesday 27 July - note the change of day
The meeting closed at 8:50pm.