Meeting Held On Wednesday 29 July at 6:15pm
Toni Burnside (Principal), Aaron Reid (Chairperson), Trevor Wilson, Glenn Bongartz, Noella Gould, Karen Elliott, Kirk McKay, Helen Stowers, Colleen Lucas (minute secretary)
Toni Burnside (Principal), Aaron Reid (Chairperson), Trevor Wilson, Glenn Bongartz, Noella Gould, Karen Elliott, Kirk McKay, Helen Stowers, Colleen Lucas (minute secretary)
In Attendance
Tricia Carroll (Deputy Principal) and Julian Josland (Teacher)
That Tricia Carroll and Julian Josland have in-committee speaking rights for the discussion of the student behaviour report at this BoT meeting. A Reid Carried
Tricia Carroll (Deputy Principal) and Julian Josland (Teacher)
That Tricia Carroll and Julian Josland have in-committee speaking rights for the discussion of the student behaviour report at this BoT meeting. A Reid Carried
Public Excluded Session
That under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the public be excluded from the following proceedings for this meeting. The reason being to discuss a disciplinary or personnel issue, and to protect legal privilege and the privacy of natural persons. A Reid Carried
That the Board ratify all decisions made in the Public Excluded session of the meeting. A Reid Carried
That under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the public be excluded from the following proceedings for this meeting. The reason being to discuss a disciplinary or personnel issue, and to protect legal privilege and the privacy of natural persons. A Reid Carried
That the Board ratify all decisions made in the Public Excluded session of the meeting. A Reid Carried
As per the schedule
5.1 Additional Correspondence
5.1.1 Mary-Ellen Bagnall – acknowledgement
5.1.2 Education Gazette – 27 July
5.2 Review of Enrolment Scheme - nothing for the Board to do until our new school location is known.
That the inwards correspondence be received. N Gould/G Bongartz Carried
5.1 Additional Correspondence
5.1.1 Mary-Ellen Bagnall – acknowledgement
5.1.2 Education Gazette – 27 July
5.2 Review of Enrolment Scheme - nothing for the Board to do until our new school location is known.
That the inwards correspondence be received. N Gould/G Bongartz Carried
6.1 Principal’s Report – Toni Burnside
6.1.1 e-asTTle Writing Report – across the school assessment. This report is from Year 3 - 6. A number of students are not achieving at curriculum level. Toni, Tricia and Tracey are all working in different areas to support teachers to lift achievement levels. We have got the tools and alignment with our targets. Report to be shared and discussed with Leadership Team who will then share and discuss with their teams.
6.1.2 Property – problem with heating at the end of the holidays. Corroded pipes have been found under the ground behind Room 7. Cost to repair could be up to $7,000.00 which will come from our new build fund. This also may not be the end of the problems. Decision made to cap the pipe and provide oil fired heating to the two rooms affected at the moment.
That MOE personnel be invited to our next meeting to discuss lack of financial support with property and behaviour concerns/issues. A Reid / G Bongartz Carried
Invite Nick Harrall to our next meeting to cover property and lack of support by the MOE and behaviour – Aaron
6.1.3 School Zone – Statistics show a disproportionate number of out of zone students attending our school. The risk is the MOE may decide to build a school based on numbers in our zone. Currently 400 on the roll.
6.1.4 Naked Baker Food – box of food to school each day to support children who are hungry.
6.1.5 Focus Report – on Enriched Learning, one of our strategic goals. Toni talk board through the report.
6.1.6 Proposal for Professional Development for Teachers in Melbourne – Melbourne are about 6-7 years ahead of NZ in their Innovative Learning Spaces (ILS). Many NZ schools have been already to Melbourne and are having rich conversations once returning on their school’s direction. Would take CORE professional with group. Go in July holidays when Melbourne schools are open. Opportunity to visit up to 12 schools.
Need to talk to Core Education for support with schools to visit
Next Steps:
Invite Margo McGegin to talk to the Board – Toni
Talk to Diana Feery, Principal, Lyttelton School for costs for their recent trip - Toni
Talk to CORE - Toni
That the Board support the concept in principle to go to the next step. To bring information back to September meeting for approval. T Burnside / T Wilson Carried
6.1.7 What’s coming up – brought to Board’s attention – refer to Toni’s report.
That the Principals Report be adopted. A Reid Carried
6.1.1 e-asTTle Writing Report – across the school assessment. This report is from Year 3 - 6. A number of students are not achieving at curriculum level. Toni, Tricia and Tracey are all working in different areas to support teachers to lift achievement levels. We have got the tools and alignment with our targets. Report to be shared and discussed with Leadership Team who will then share and discuss with their teams.
6.1.2 Property – problem with heating at the end of the holidays. Corroded pipes have been found under the ground behind Room 7. Cost to repair could be up to $7,000.00 which will come from our new build fund. This also may not be the end of the problems. Decision made to cap the pipe and provide oil fired heating to the two rooms affected at the moment.
That MOE personnel be invited to our next meeting to discuss lack of financial support with property and behaviour concerns/issues. A Reid / G Bongartz Carried
Invite Nick Harrall to our next meeting to cover property and lack of support by the MOE and behaviour – Aaron
6.1.3 School Zone – Statistics show a disproportionate number of out of zone students attending our school. The risk is the MOE may decide to build a school based on numbers in our zone. Currently 400 on the roll.
6.1.4 Naked Baker Food – box of food to school each day to support children who are hungry.
6.1.5 Focus Report – on Enriched Learning, one of our strategic goals. Toni talk board through the report.
6.1.6 Proposal for Professional Development for Teachers in Melbourne – Melbourne are about 6-7 years ahead of NZ in their Innovative Learning Spaces (ILS). Many NZ schools have been already to Melbourne and are having rich conversations once returning on their school’s direction. Would take CORE professional with group. Go in July holidays when Melbourne schools are open. Opportunity to visit up to 12 schools.
- Team building for staff, BOT members.
- New concepts to experience.
- What are the benefits to the children?
- What are we going to get out of it?
- What do staff think?
- Call back days?
Need to talk to Core Education for support with schools to visit
- Focused PD for staff
- Presentations to children and families
- Market carefully
Next Steps:
Invite Margo McGegin to talk to the Board – Toni
Talk to Diana Feery, Principal, Lyttelton School for costs for their recent trip - Toni
Talk to CORE - Toni
That the Board support the concept in principle to go to the next step. To bring information back to September meeting for approval. T Burnside / T Wilson Carried
6.1.7 What’s coming up – brought to Board’s attention – refer to Toni’s report.
That the Principals Report be adopted. A Reid Carried
6.2.1 Tracking well against the budget. Staffing could cost us around $35,000 by year end if our leavers continue to match or new enrolments. Our roll needs to rise + 10 above our Grading Roll to be able to apply for more staffing.
6.2.2 Parent Donations are low for this time of year. We acknowledge we have a large number of families on payment schedules and the parent donation will be acknowledged after all trips and activities for the year are paid for.
That the Finance Report be taken as read and is adopted K McKay / K Elliott Carried
6.2.2 Parent Donations are low for this time of year. We acknowledge we have a large number of families on payment schedules and the parent donation will be acknowledged after all trips and activities for the year are paid for.
That the Finance Report be taken as read and is adopted K McKay / K Elliott Carried
Self Review
6.3.1 Board Overview – tabled for discussion and updated for the current period Fire Drill - review highlighted that children were not checked off a roll rather a visual or number count only. Children will be marked off a paper roll now. Fire Drill - review highlighted that children were not checked off a roll rather a visual or number count only. Children will be marked off a paper roll now.
General Business
7.1 Al Fone – PD with Board – Tuesday 11 August at 6:15pm
7.1.1 Al Fone PD with PTA to cost $300. He will attend a PTA meeting. Charter, Code of Conduct, linkage with the Board is a work in progress.
7.1.2 Coffee vouchers for PTA members - Toni
7.2 Principal’s Appraisal – Lois Christmas – Interim 360 appraisal complete. Report is a credit to Toni and kudos to the Board on their appointment. Aaron to write a brief to be communicated back to the staff - Aaron
7.1.1 Al Fone PD with PTA to cost $300. He will attend a PTA meeting. Charter, Code of Conduct, linkage with the Board is a work in progress.
7.1.2 Coffee vouchers for PTA members - Toni
7.2 Principal’s Appraisal – Lois Christmas – Interim 360 appraisal complete. Report is a credit to Toni and kudos to the Board on their appointment. Aaron to write a brief to be communicated back to the staff - Aaron
Previous Minutes
That the minutes of the meeting held on 23 June 2015, be taken as read and are accepted. N Gould/K McKay Carried
That the minutes of the meeting held on 23 June 2015, be taken as read and are accepted. N Gould/K McKay Carried
Matters Arising
9.1 Nil
10. The following leave was granted
10. The following leave was granted
- Chelsea Roycroft – maternity leave without pay from Monday 2 November 2015 until the end of Term 2, 2016
Next Meeting
11.1 Tuesday 25 August @ 6:15pm in the Sky Room
11.2 Tuesday 22 September @ 6:15pm in the Sky Room
11.2 Tuesday 22 September @ 6:15pm in the Sky Room
The meeting closed at 8.45pm