Meeting Held On Tuesday 16 February at 6:15pm
Toni Burnside (Principal) Aaron Reid (Chairperson) Trevor Wilson, Glenn Bongartz, Noella Gould, Kirk McKay, Helen Stowers, David Campbell,
Colleen Lucas Minute secretary)
In Attendance
Tracey Mora (DePuty Principal) Tricia Carroll (Deputy Principal)
That Tracey Mora and Tricia Carroll have in-committee speaking rights for the discussion of the student behaviour report at this BoT meeting. A Reid Carried
Toni Burnside (Principal) Aaron Reid (Chairperson) Trevor Wilson, Glenn Bongartz, Noella Gould, Kirk McKay, Helen Stowers, David Campbell,
Colleen Lucas Minute secretary)
In Attendance
Tracey Mora (DePuty Principal) Tricia Carroll (Deputy Principal)
That Tracey Mora and Tricia Carroll have in-committee speaking rights for the discussion of the student behaviour report at this BoT meeting. A Reid Carried
Election of Officers
- Chairperson - Aaron stand down as Chairperson. Nominations called. Aaron nominated. No challenges.
- Deputy Chairperson - Nominations called. Kirk nominated. No challenges.
Public Excluded Session
That under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the public be excluded from the following proceedings for this meeting. The reason being to discuss a disciplinary or personnel issue, and to protect legal privilege and the privacy of natural persons. A Reid Carried
That the Board ratify all decisions made in the Public Excluded session of the meeting. A Reid Carried
That under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the public be excluded from the following proceedings for this meeting. The reason being to discuss a disciplinary or personnel issue, and to protect legal privilege and the privacy of natural persons. A Reid Carried
That the Board ratify all decisions made in the Public Excluded session of the meeting. A Reid Carried
Welcome Tracey Mora and Tricia Carroll (DP’s)
That Tracey Mora, Tricia Carroll and David Campbell have speaking rights during the open session of this BoT meeting. A Reid Carried
That Tracey Mora, Tricia Carroll and David Campbell have speaking rights during the open session of this BoT meeting. A Reid Carried
As per the schedule
That the inwards correspondence be received. A Reid / T Wilson Carried
- Shirley Haig- refer to in-committee
- NZSTA BOT Professional Development - 8 March on succession planning for Boards. David and Kirk to attend.
That the inwards correspondence be received. A Reid / T Wilson Carried
Prinicpal's Report
- All Board members are receiving and viewing their board documents via their account.
- 7.1.1: New format for Principal’s Report for 2016.
- 7.1.2: 1 March roll return will have an impact on our entitlement. Our staffing is generous which will not be affected. Need to adjust budget accordingly.
- 7.1.3: Targets 2016 - Tracey is pulling this together. There will be a mid-year report on this.
- 7.1.4: Fire Drill - head count not good enough. Everyone needs to be checked by name from lists.
- 7.1.5: School Values - a very positive step and booklet. Has been well received by everyone.
- 7.1.6: Strategic Goals - 5 strategic teams with different leaders (not management) - develop action plan, staff meeting during term, reporting against strategic goals - will attend leadership meetings. Not top down model - staff taking ownership.
- 7.1.7: Student Report Format Feedback - small number of returns but all very good responses.
- 7.1.8: Technology - at Shirley Intermediate School for Dudley each Monday this term - linked to our curriculum.
- 7.1.9: Collaborative Teaching - all but one teacher are buddied up. Roll growth will allow the change here. Teachers are not being micromanaged. Staff are taking on the challenges.
- 7.1.10: Appraisal Process Reveiw - a lot of duplication. Should be informative. Working document. Tracey is leading this process. Leaders will have their own 7.1.11: website for updates and feedback. Other staff will be contributing to this as well.
- 7.1.12: Curriculum Review - a couple this year. Data feeding through. Devolving leadership and systems.
- 7.1.13: Policy Review - Schooldocs - Board and staff encouraged to view and comment. Alcohol, drugs and other harmful substances up for review now.
That the following two Teacher Only Days for 2016 be ratified: T Burnside / G D Campbell Carried
- Day 1: Friday 15 April
- Day 2: Friday 3 June
That the Principal’s Report be ratified. T Burnside / A Reid Carried
7.2.1: Report for 31 December 2015
7.2.2: Report for 31 January 2016
7.2.3: Business On-line Application
That the Board of Trustees approve the application for Banks Avenue School for the on-line banking services with Westpac and the ‘Administrators’ of our school accounts will be: Toni Burnside, Tracey Mora, Tricia Carroll and Colleen Lucas. A Reid/G Bongartz Carried
7.2.4: Audit Motions - refer 2016 delegations
Statement of Responsibility - Motion
The Board authorises the Board Chairperson and Principal to sign the Statement of Responsibility for the 2015 Annual Accounts on the Board’s behalf when confirmation is received that the audit has been completed.
Statement of Financial Position - Motion
That the Board approves the inclusion of a budget for the 2015 Statement of Financial Position and a budget cash flow which are derived from the Board’s 2015 operating and capital purchases budgets.
Ministry funded Teacher Salaries included in Budget. (this information comes from the School Accruals Report - SAAR) - Motion
That the Board approves the inclusion of a budget for Ministry paid teacher salaries in the 2015 Statement of Comprehensive Income. The budget shall be equal to the actual teacher salary costs for the 2015 year and will include and income amount and an equivalent expenditure budget.
Ministry Notional Lease Costs for 2015 (this information is on the MOE PMIS website) - Motion
That the Board approves the inclusion of a budget for the use of land and buildings equal to the Ministry of Education estimate of notional lease cost for 2015. The 2015 figure will include an income amount and an equivalent expenditure budget.
7.2.5 Budget Board want to see zero budget for 2016. Adjustments to be made. Refer back to finance committee then back to next meeting to ratify. Finance committee to meet - get new accountant to attend meeting. Reckon accounts package - web based - Kirk talk the Board through our new finance package. $450 per year for licencing. Multiple users, full audit trail. Big
thank you to Kirk for all his investigative work, set up and now the rollout. Interviewing a couple of accounting prospects this week. Dallington Oscar - need to have a meeting with them about theirs and our future partnership - maintaining control in our school. Pros & cons must be
7.2.2: Report for 31 January 2016
7.2.3: Business On-line Application
That the Board of Trustees approve the application for Banks Avenue School for the on-line banking services with Westpac and the ‘Administrators’ of our school accounts will be: Toni Burnside, Tracey Mora, Tricia Carroll and Colleen Lucas. A Reid/G Bongartz Carried
7.2.4: Audit Motions - refer 2016 delegations
Statement of Responsibility - Motion
The Board authorises the Board Chairperson and Principal to sign the Statement of Responsibility for the 2015 Annual Accounts on the Board’s behalf when confirmation is received that the audit has been completed.
Statement of Financial Position - Motion
That the Board approves the inclusion of a budget for the 2015 Statement of Financial Position and a budget cash flow which are derived from the Board’s 2015 operating and capital purchases budgets.
Ministry funded Teacher Salaries included in Budget. (this information comes from the School Accruals Report - SAAR) - Motion
That the Board approves the inclusion of a budget for Ministry paid teacher salaries in the 2015 Statement of Comprehensive Income. The budget shall be equal to the actual teacher salary costs for the 2015 year and will include and income amount and an equivalent expenditure budget.
Ministry Notional Lease Costs for 2015 (this information is on the MOE PMIS website) - Motion
That the Board approves the inclusion of a budget for the use of land and buildings equal to the Ministry of Education estimate of notional lease cost for 2015. The 2015 figure will include an income amount and an equivalent expenditure budget.
7.2.5 Budget Board want to see zero budget for 2016. Adjustments to be made. Refer back to finance committee then back to next meeting to ratify. Finance committee to meet - get new accountant to attend meeting. Reckon accounts package - web based - Kirk talk the Board through our new finance package. $450 per year for licencing. Multiple users, full audit trail. Big
thank you to Kirk for all his investigative work, set up and now the rollout. Interviewing a couple of accounting prospects this week. Dallington Oscar - need to have a meeting with them about theirs and our future partnership - maintaining control in our school. Pros & cons must be
Self Review
Board Overview 2016
8.1: Targets not decided yet.
8.2: PTA roster to be included once known who doing what. BOT want to continue to build relationship with PTA. Roster ready for next meeting.
8.3: Prompt for next month actions for Board/members.
8.4: Include dates for BOT meetings.
8.2: PTA roster to be included once known who doing what. BOT want to continue to build relationship with PTA. Roster ready for next meeting.
8.3: Prompt for next month actions for Board/members.
8.4: Include dates for BOT meetings.
General Business
9.1: Delegations 2016
That the Board Delegations, as tabled, be ratified. A Reid / K McKay Carried
That the Disciplinary Committee for 2016 be: Chairperson: Aaron Reid, Deputy Chair: Kirk McKay, Personnel: Noella Gould, Reserve: David Campbell A Reid / N Gould Carried
9.2: New School Preparation
9.2.1: Toni to email Vikanda Bagrie, MOE around our voice in consultation of small group in Cresswell Ave by CCC. Check process for 2016. Invite to next BOT
9.2.2: Develop PR statement for MLE Melbourne Experience - Toni take to leadership team - then more discussion with Board. Key talking points.
9.2.3: Steve Edwards is our new ‘Navigator’.
9.3: Strategic Plan - to be reviewed this year.
9.4: Al Fone to to PD Strategic Planning day - around Board process and integration into school - making sure all things are lined up. Saturday 16 April - Aaron to
confirm date, time and content - ½ day would be good.
9.5: PTA - how is it run - bring to next meeting - get structured to function better. Develop infratructure. Rules for engagement for BOT / PTA BOT and PTA to have this
process completed by April meeting. Governance /Charitable Trust
That the Board Delegations, as tabled, be ratified. A Reid / K McKay Carried
That the Disciplinary Committee for 2016 be: Chairperson: Aaron Reid, Deputy Chair: Kirk McKay, Personnel: Noella Gould, Reserve: David Campbell A Reid / N Gould Carried
9.2: New School Preparation
9.2.1: Toni to email Vikanda Bagrie, MOE around our voice in consultation of small group in Cresswell Ave by CCC. Check process for 2016. Invite to next BOT
9.2.2: Develop PR statement for MLE Melbourne Experience - Toni take to leadership team - then more discussion with Board. Key talking points.
9.2.3: Steve Edwards is our new ‘Navigator’.
9.3: Strategic Plan - to be reviewed this year.
9.4: Al Fone to to PD Strategic Planning day - around Board process and integration into school - making sure all things are lined up. Saturday 16 April - Aaron to
confirm date, time and content - ½ day would be good.
9.5: PTA - how is it run - bring to next meeting - get structured to function better. Develop infratructure. Rules for engagement for BOT / PTA BOT and PTA to have this
process completed by April meeting. Governance /Charitable Trust
Previous Minutes
That the minutes of the meeting held on 17 November 2015, be taken as read and are accepted. A Reid Carried
The December minutes will be ratified at the March meeting.
That the minutes of the meeting held on 17 November 2015, be taken as read and are accepted. A Reid Carried
The December minutes will be ratified at the March meeting.
Matters Arising
11.1: Cyber Audit - Kirk/Glenn - done
11.2: 10.4 Self Review Forms - completed at December meeting
11.2: 10.4 Self Review Forms - completed at December meeting
Board Only Business
The following leave was granted:
Shirley Haig - leave without pay from 3 - 19 August 2016 to attend the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games.
Shirley Haig - leave without pay from 3 - 19 August 2016 to attend the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games.
Next Meeting
Tuesday 15 March
Tuesday 19 April - this date falls in the school holidays
Tuesday 19 April - this date falls in the school holidays
The meeting closed at 8:30pm.