Meeting Held On Tuesday 12 April at 6:15pm
Toni Burnside (Principal) Trevor Wilson, Glenn Bongartz, Noella Gould, Kirk McKay, Helen Stowers, David Campbell,
Jenny Macdonald (Minute secretary)
Kirk McKay, Deputy Chair, to run the meeting.
In Attendance
Tricia Carroll (Deputy Principal)
Apologies Aaron Reid (Chairperson)
That Tricia Carroll have in-committee speaking rights for the discussion of the student behaviour report at this BoT meeting. A Reid Carried
Toni Burnside (Principal) Trevor Wilson, Glenn Bongartz, Noella Gould, Kirk McKay, Helen Stowers, David Campbell,
Jenny Macdonald (Minute secretary)
Kirk McKay, Deputy Chair, to run the meeting.
In Attendance
Tricia Carroll (Deputy Principal)
Apologies Aaron Reid (Chairperson)
That Tricia Carroll have in-committee speaking rights for the discussion of the student behaviour report at this BoT meeting. A Reid Carried
Public Excluded Session
That under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the public be excluded from the following proceedings for this meeting. The reason being to discuss a disciplinary or personnel issue, and to protect legal privilege and the privacy of natural persons. A Reid Carried
That the Board ratify all decisions made in the Public Excluded session of the meeting. A Reid Carried
That under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the public be excluded from the following proceedings for this meeting. The reason being to discuss a disciplinary or personnel issue, and to protect legal privilege and the privacy of natural persons. A Reid Carried
That the Board ratify all decisions made in the Public Excluded session of the meeting. A Reid Carried
As per the schedule
That the inwards correspondence be received. A Reid Carried
That the inwards correspondence be received. A Reid Carried
Prinicpal's Report
- 6.1.1. Hazard Reporting - enabling parents / caregivers to report any hazards they come across to the school office. Forms to be found for them to fill in.
- 6.1.2. Relocation - it was suggested that Toni contact Dave Holbern, on the Board's behalf, to make up conceptual drawings which would be used in a display to show positioning of buildings on the different site options. Shirley Intermediate School has offered the use of their large billboard and David Campbell is to check if we can set up a display at The Palms.
- 6.1.3. PB4L - the staff are in the early stages of forming the framework, systems, processes and shared expectations required to implement PB4L in the school.
That the Principal's Report be adopted. K McKay Carried
- 6.2.1. Finance report from Reckon covering the first quarter - presented.
- 6.2.2. The office staff are working on balancing the new accounting package with the final e-Tap statements.
- 6.2.3. The financial statements have a new look and are easier to read and check.
- 6.2.4. Operations Grant Installment Notice included.
TThat the Finance Report be adopted.. G Bongartz / K McKay Carried
Self Review
- 7.1.1. Strategic surveys have now been collected and collated. Will be presented at strategic planning day.
- 7.1.2. e-Learning surveys -
- 7.1.3. Year 7 (last year's Year 6's) surveys have been returned and collated.
Board Overview 2016
- 8.1. Fire Drill - this have been carried out 1 April. The classes that did a head count last time were off site. Further actions required are:
- Make sure visitors check in with supervisor (add to visitor tablet)
- Some learning assistants not checking in.
- 8.2 Board Overview - completed actions have now been coloured orange
- 8.3. May Meeting
- Auditors Recommendations - Toni, Jenny and Colleen will work through this.
- Assurance evaluation and emergency kit to be checked.
- Fire Drill
- Emergency Planning
- Abuse reponding
- Staff appraisal - class observations and EEO survey
- Strategic Goal No. 1
- Consultation on future focused education
General Business
- 9.1. Difficulties with sharing documents for the Board meeting. Jenny to sort.
- New school preparation - covered in 6.2.
- BOT Elections
- Carole Peterson has agreed to be the Returning Officer for Banks Avenue School
- Tracey has revamped the Board information and added to the school website.
- Toni/Helen to get Jenny to check in e-tap for those parents who expressed an interest in the Board.
- Helen to talk to staff to help identify people in the school community who have skills which would be useful on the Board.
- To look at possibly seconding parents with skills useful to any sub-committees that need to be set up.
- It was suggested that an invitation be sent out for a Board run function, to encourage people to come forward.
- The Board would like to know if any current members will not be standing for election.
- Kirk and David to compile a FAQ list.
Health and Safety
- 10.1. refer to the Principal's Report.
Previous Minutes
That the minutes of the meeting held on 16 March2016, be taken as read and are accepted. K McKay Carried
That the minutes of the meeting held on 16 March2016, be taken as read and are accepted. K McKay Carried
Matters Arising
- 12.1. HEART Tokens
- Kirk suggest having more visual advertising around the school to promote this to the whole school community.
- Toni spoke about the logo which will incorporate the current school logo and the HEART values.
- Kirk suggest having more visual advertising around the school to promote this to the whole school community.
- 12.2. Board of Trustees and PTA Modern Learning Environment (MLE) tour and having a dinner after. Possible date and venue for this would be Toni's house on 21 May.
Board Only Business
Next Meeting
Tuesday 21 June
Tuesday 19 July - to be confirmed as in the school holidays.
Tuesday 19 July - to be confirmed as in the school holidays.
The meeting closed at 8:29pm.